
Me 'n Casillero del Diablo

Yup, it's me and my friend sitting here. Listening to my husband's cds, chilling out. Just been rambling around the internet. Something I never do, but enjoy once in awhile. Just click here and there and see where I end up. Doggie sleeping behind me. CSN in the background, or maybe it's CSN&Y.

Was up in Vail this morning. Pretty snow. Crazy driver. Big car, no brakes, no likey.
Boy is away. Doing good things. I believe.
Nice to have down time.
Hiking tomorrow. Flatirons. Doggie happy. Sissy happy.



It's been raining a lot lately, which is a good thing because rain is one of my most favoritest things in the world. I love the sound, I love the smell, I love the feel and the taste.
Some of my best memories involve rain. Running through puddles, climbing hillsides, atop a volcano, in the ocean. In Spanish, they call rain "agua dulce" - sweet water (as opposed to salty ocean water). I never really got the "sweet" part of it until one day a friend and I happened to be swimming in the Pacific Ocean during a rainstorm. I tasted the salty water, then when the rain fell on my face, it tasted sweet.

It's a Friday night. I'm home. By choice. My husband is out and about, and I was invited and declined. I miss my down time. Seems like I'm always on the run somewhere. I used to be a voracious reader, and now I rarely have time to sit and read a book in 2 days. I never write anymore. Thought this blog might encourage that, but it hasn't seemed to. I need alone time to sit and stew and let the mind wander.....



Wow, I went to the doctor for a yearly checkup.
They weighed me.
Good god!!
I'm one of those people who never weighs themself because when I see numbers on the scale which do not match with what the Beautiful People weigh, I get down on myself. I've been relatively happy with my physical appearance, but as of late, the poundage has been creeping up, and I anticipated that this most recent weigh-in might not be the happiest of occasions.
I guess it's time to actually act my age and cut out the processed flour and sugar, step up the exercise....

More to come.


The power of Friends

Lately, I have been in touch with friends from high school. Some I barely knew, others, I ran with, played basketball with, and partied with. For some reason, it's the ones I barely knew who intrigue me the most. I did not know them. The day we graduated, I lost memory of them . In fact, I did not even think of them the day we graduated. It amazes me to see the photos of their childrem, read the stories of their lives. What the hell was I thinking way back when when we graduated? Of course, you don't keep track of them all. But they were not even a fly on the wallpaper of my thoughts. And now they have children, they have holes in their throats, they are in wheelchairs, they have all questioned their lives in a million ways.

Then there are the ones after high school. We happened upon each other by chance. Our lives and livers have stayed connected.



Anonymously this time

This is the 3rd blog I've started.
The previous 2 were known to my family and friends, and I eventually figured out that I write things differently when I know that my words will be read by people who know me. At this point, I am afraid of that. Maybe somewhere down the line I'll be able to shout to the world, "Look what I've done!! Look who I am!! Look what I've written!!" But for now, I'll hide as mrsumba and see if this isn't more liberating.